

I had two Bridal shoots on Saturday in Salt Lake. This month is going to be crazy with some kind of shoot every weekend. Including three weddings. I only hope that they keep on coming! Isn't Kendra beautiful!

3 "he said, she said":

Lindsey McLaughlin said...

yes! i totally agree! she looks gorgeous! :)

Donna said...

What a great photographer you are! I love these pictures of Kendra. What a beautiful bride! I can't wait to to see the rest of them!

Rachel and Gavin said...

WOW Mollie, You are a GREAT photographer!!! I miss you so much too, I wish you lived down here. We would have so much fun together, and do triathlons together. I had so much fun doing it. Well keep up the good work, you're awesome. And Jordan does look like an actor...oh and yes all of your family and nephews and nieces are so dang cute. You just have a cute family all together!