

This is Brittany's Invitation that I designed. I've never thought about being a Graphic Designer, but I think I'm getting better at it. Its way fun to play with text and pictures and other graphics and try to make it all look visually pleasing together.

4 "he said, she said":

Selena and Russ!! said...

dang mollie. i must admit that is a freakin awesome invitation. maybe you should design some for me! haha! I seriously suck at layout. but really. that looks AWESOME! why am i friends with such a talented person. you should teach me everything you know...

Lindsey Hansen said...

Wow Mollie! That looks so awesome. You are so great! I really think it looks amazing! The colors are great. I can see you going somewhere with this. :)

Los Shepherds said...

you will do mine....someday

Michelle said...

ok how funny...one of the girls i work with brought this in to show me and i loved it! Im not usually a fan of the photo cards but i loved this one! Now i now that my photographer made it and has lots of talent!